Generosity Sunday
23 June 2024

'For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich, yet for your sake he became poor, so that you through his poverty might become rich' (2 Corinthians 8:9)

As we have shared recently, our church is facing a pretty big budget deficit for the next year. That means our income is going to be way lower than our expenditure.

If you're part of the CityGates family (you'd consider CityGates to be 'your church'), then we'd invite you to respond prayerfully and practically.

If you're not yet giving to CityGates - either because you’re new or have never got into the habit of giving – can we invite you to partner with us in the gospel by starting to give. You can do that by setting up a monthly standing order?

If you’re already giving to CityGates – thank you so much. We are aware there are many who already give generously and sacrificially. If that’s you - we are so grateful to God for you.

We do recognise the impact the cost-of-living crisis has been having. And so if actually you need to reduce your giving to make ends meet we absolutely understand that.

But if that’s not your situation, please would you consider maintaining your giving at your current level?
And if you’re not struggling and have the capacity to increase your regular giving - can we invite you to consider doing that?

Maybe you set up a standing order a number of years ago and have never adjusted it or maybe your household income has gone up and that’s not yet reflected in your giving. If so maybe this is the nudge you need.

So please pray and respond as you are able.

And to help bring some focus to this, and also to sort-of time-box this money conversation, we’re holding a one-off event – Generosity Sunday on 23 June. It’s where we want to be able to come together and respond to this need. You’ll find details and a downloadable version of the Generosity Sunday leaflet HERE.  It’s a simple way of getting all the info you need so you can review where you are with your giving.

And if you’re a tax payer please don’t forget to fill out a gift aid form so we can claim back the tax on your gift. If you’re already giving but haven’t ticked the Gift Aid box then if you’re a taxpayer, even if you did that, it’d increase the value of your current giving by 25% - for one tick in a box!! That’s huge!

‘Everything comes from you, and we have given you only what comes from your hand.’
(1 Chronicles 29:14)

'For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich, yet for your sake he became poor, so that you through his poverty might become rich' (2 Corinthians 8:9)

As we have shared recently, our church is facing a pretty big budget deficit for the next year. That means our income is going to be way lower than our expenditure.

If you're part of the CityGates family (you'd consider CityGates to be 'your church'), then we'd invite you to respond prayerfully and practically.

If you're not yet giving to CityGates - either because you’re new or have never got into the habit of giving – can we invite you to partner with us in the gospel by starting to give. You can do that by setting up a monthly standing order?

If you’re already giving to CityGates – thank you so much. We are aware there are many who already give generously and sacrificially. If that’s you - we are so grateful to God for you.

We do recognise the impact the cost-of-living crisis has been having. And so if actually you need to reduce your giving to make ends meet we absolutely understand that.

But if that’s not your situation, please would you consider maintaining your giving at your current level?
And if you’re not struggling and have the capacity to increase your regular giving - can we invite you to consider doing that?

Maybe you set up a standing order a number of years ago and have never adjusted it or maybe your household income has gone up and that’s not yet reflected in your giving. If so maybe this is the nudge you need.

So please pray and respond as you are able.

And to help bring some focus to this, and also to sort-of time-box this money conversation, we’re holding a one-off event – Generosity Sunday on 23 June. It’s where we want to be able to come together and respond to this need. You’ll find details and a downloadable version of the Generosity Sunday leaflet HERE.  It’s a simple way of getting all the info you need so you can review where you are with your giving.

And if you’re a tax payer please don’t forget to fill out a gift aid form so we can claim back the tax on your gift. If you’re already giving but haven’t ticked the Gift Aid box then if you’re a taxpayer, even if you did that, it’d increase the value of your current giving by 25% - for one tick in a box!! That’s huge!

‘Everything comes from you, and we have given you only what comes from your hand.’
(1 Chronicles 29:14)